We are pleased to announce this year’s award recipients, who were honoured on 23 January 2024, on Villum Kann Rasmussen’s birthday.
The Employee Foundation presents the Villum Kann Rasmussen Award to honour and celebrate employees who, with their personal contribution, do something special to realise the VKR Group’s Model Company Objective.
Likewise, the Employee Foundation presents the Lars Kann-Rasmussen Safety Award to employees who, at work or in their private lives, exhibit inspiring and proactive behaviour in the field of safety and have courageous attitudes that break with conventional thinking and prevent accidents.
This year, the Employee Foundation’s Board of Directors elected a total of 13 recipients of the Villum Kann Rasmussen Award and 5 recipients of the Lars Kann-Rasmussen Safety Award.
The awards ceremonies take place locally in the companies where the recipients work. It is the individual company that is responsible for the local celebration and ensures that the day is festive for both the award recipient and colleagues.
We warmly congratulate the laureates.