
Grants, November 2024

On 27 November, the board meeting was held as a Teams meeting, with Lars Bohlbro from VELUX A/S participating as an observer.

Year-to-Date Development 2024
Costs are in line with the budget, and the financial markets have been volatile but positive.

The board approved 239 grants: about 3.5 million DKK for employee purposes (99 grants for unfortunate events, 64 educational grants and 13 grants for Senior clubs) and about 6.3 million DKK (63 grants) for local non-profit projects.

Strategy and Projects
There is an increased understanding of the importance of the Employee Foundation with more applications being received. The foundation will focus on health screenings in 2025 and pilot projects for shelters in May 2025.

Live a dream – volunteer work
18 employees participated in a construction project in Romania, where they built six homes in five days. During the building period, 697 employees donated steps, resulting in a donation of 2 million DKK to Habitat for Humanity.

Preparations for the Villum Kann Rasmussen Award and the Lars Kann-Rasmussen Safety Award are underway with local ceremonies scheduled for 23 January 2025.

The next meeting will be held on 19-20 March 2025.

On behalf of the board, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.