
Grants, June 2024

The Employee Foundation board meeting was held online on 13 June.

The meeting granted about DKK 4.3 million (more than EUR 0.5 million) for employee purposes (140 grants related to unfortunate situations, and 62 educational grants for employees’ children), and about DKK 1.1 million (more than EUR 0.14 million) for 54 local non-profit projects.

Several companies in the Group have seen extreme weather conditions with serious consequences for the employees and their homes. Our allocated emergency funding is there to help in such situations.

For the Live a dream program 2024, the Board selected 18 employees from among the applications received. The building project will be held in Berceni, Romania in September-October 2024. All applicants have be notified directly.

Healthy Habits, photo contest
In July and August, the Employee Foundation will run a photo contest with a focus on staying healthy during the summer time.